Est. 6.18.10

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Update on Roo

Roo is doing great! I have a wimpy attempt at a baby bump...but it is there! As of tomorrow (the day I've been waiting for for the past 10 weeks is FINALLY upon us) I will begin my second trimester which hopefully *fingers crossed* means that the nausea and headaches will subside. This is the trimester where you apparently feel the best you have ever felt in your life and you get to actually enjoy being pregnant. Not that I haven't enjoyed it because HELLO I have a little miracle...the best part of Jake and I...growing in me as we speak...BUT I could've gone without the nausea. That was definately the worst part. With all of that said, it is without a doubt totally worth every visit to the toilet! God has blesses us with this beautiful little creature that we get more anxious as days go by about meeting! We have our next appointment next week and then the appointment after that, we will hopefully find out the sex of the baby :) I'M DYING TO KNOW! Even though not knowing hasn't really stopped me from buying things (duh...have you met me?!) but it would make it a whole lot easier. Obviously I don't care one way or the other what it is and neither is Jake; we just want Roo to be healthy. At the last appointment, we got to hear the little heartbeat. SOOOO PERFECT! After hearing that, you can't exactly help but LOVE life. HOW AMAZING IS GOD?!?! So tomorrow, Roo will graduate from the size of a peach to the size of a lemon. Kicking and moving which is really what makes mommy queasy. Roo can also hear now so we are starting to be careful about what we say. Jake talks to him/her every night and every morning...adorable. BIGGEST downside?!?!...I can no longer sleep on my tummy. Sad day. Jake went and got me the mommy pillow which is like a contoured body pillow for pregnant women to sleep comfortably on their side and even a little on thier stomach. It takes the pressure off the stomach. IT'S AMAZING...AND it's zebra print! :) just a small plus. Jake has been absolutely wonderful. I recently started experiencing back pains and he gets up in the middle of the night if I'm hurting and gives me a back rub...cleans the apartment when I'm just too exhausted to. I'm pretty lucky :) We think we've finally settled on names but we aren't revealing those just yet. Roo says hi and he/she can't wait to meet everyone!

Momma M & Baby Roo

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