Est. 6.18.10

Monday, August 16, 2010

Dr. Appointment

Everything went great at our doctors appointment. First thing they did was do an ultrasound. I thought they were going to do it vaginally because I am still only 7 weeks but they ended up doing it over my belly with the gel which took me by surprise. Not that I'm complaining or anything but I was totally prepared for the more invasive procedure. She pushed around on my belly and showed me the size of the uterus which is about the size of a grapefruit right now and then my bladder. She then showed me my yolk sac which is what is responsible for releasing all those hormones that cause the breast tenderness and nausea...not to mention the oh-so-famous pregnancy mood swings. Which haven't been so bad...although Jake might have a different side of the story. :) FINALLY she got to the placenta where the baby was. It was soo tiny but you could definately see the heartbeat. It was amazing! We couldn't hear it but could definately see it. Jake couldn't stop squeezing my hand! It was adorable! Roo is currently measuring right at 7 weeks and 3 days and the due date the doctor gave me was March 31st! That was the best part of the whole appointment. Afterwards, we did a consultation for family history as well as the not so fun exam. And of course the whole pee in a cup and bloodwork business which apparently will be happening every time I have an appointment. Our next appointment is September 9th when I'm 11 weeks...which means I will be one week from the end of my first trimester! YAY! NO MORE NAUSEA! :) Although she did give me some miracle drugs that don't hurt the baby that help with the nausea. So far so good! I have a long list of things I will not eat. I added wings to them last night. :( It was a sad day! Another reason why it was a sad the beginning of the day my clothes fits the end, it gets a little snug and uncomfortable. They say its normal and eventually they won't even button in the morning which apparently will be the next couple of weeks because I'm smaller in size so I will most likely show quicker. Which I'm okay with simply because right now I just feel like I look fat, not pregnant! Belly band here I come! :)

Here is the first picture of our sweet baby!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Guessing Game

What to eat and what not to eat...THAT is the question. It's an absolutely complete guessing game as to what is going to make me sick and what Roo is actually going to like. Apparently he's a little picky like his mommy! :) So far, PB&J, tomato basil soup, shrimp, and garlic bread makes me sick...barftastic. Roo LOVES fruit...which I'm not gonna complain about but I cannot eat fruit every meal. I need a little variety here! If I'm making something I haven't eaten while I was pregnant yet I'm not really sure if it's gonna make me sick either until I gag as it enters my mouth (shrimp) or until about an hour after I eat when I get sick to my stomach. I'm at 6 weeks and 3 days right now and my stomach is already getting harder and a tiny little pouch is sticking out. Our first appointment is this Thursday and I cannot wait to get our first picture of Roo! :) VERY exciting time for us! We ask for prayers that everything goes and looks well at the appointment. Also, we are still looking at houses with one particular one we absolutely love...we are just "patiently" waiting for our pre-approval paperwork to be finished so we can finally make an offer. Praying for the Lord's guidance and light as we make this very large and expensive decision for our growing little family! We will keep you updated.

Prayer Request: Shannon, Jake's cousin, is having some health issues and will get more information from her doctor this week as to where to proceed from here. Also, Jake and I's friend, Amy Reed, her father is going through chemotherapy for stage 4 liver cancer...please pray for the Lord's light and healing hands as they face this difficult time.

Ashley & Roo Manchaca

One Year

It has been exactly one year since we said our "see you laters" to one of the greatest men I've ever known. Carroll Lewis Clark...or as he was known to us, Granddaddy. He taught me that you don't always have to say "I love you" especially when he showed you like he did. He had an incredible way of showing how much he cared and loved each and every one of us. Love like crazy...always. I know he is still watching over us, he just has a better to Jesus and Uncle Mike which doesn't really get much better. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that he had something to do with our little blessing. He couldn't wait to have babies in the family again :) I would like to take this time to thank everyone who offered prayers and thoughts during this past year without him. It made our family stronger and definately helped us get through it together. I know he will give Roo a kiss before we ever get to see him/her. He is always in our hearts and ALWAYS on our minds. I love you and miss you every single day granddad.

Monday, August 2, 2010

ah sweet relief

Found some relief to my nausea...a combination of a hot bath and those stupid bracelets I never thought would ever work. Who would've thought?!?!

Summer is over

So we officially started volleyball today...blah. The summer was extremely too short. I really would've liked to spend a little more time at home. We are honestly still trying to catch up from EVERYTHING that happened in the past two months :) ALL blesses things! God is good ALWAYS. Well back to volleyball. We have some extremely talented girls coming up and I am really excited to work with them. They seem like a really fun group of girls which could pose a problem for me. biggest issue is when the girls are fun and outgoing it's really hard for me to be the authortative figure I should be. But I learned from last year that I can't slack in that department. So bring on the running! :) MWUAHAHAHAHAHA!
Jake and I are continuing to look for a house...we have a couple of really good leads but I'm not giving details until we put an offer on a house :)
We have decided on calling the baby "Roo" for now until we decide if it's going to be a boy or a girl. We are just really tired of calling it...well "it"! Taken from Winnie the Pooh and if you still don't understand it, please ask someone who had a real childhood surrounded by the Hundred Acre Woods. :)
The pregnancy is going great so far. I am definately beginning to feel the rage of hormones. I easily get upset...and I'm talking about the stupidest commercials I will be bawling. Or I will randomly gag from a smell that has been rejected by my nose. Oh and that lovely thing called "morning" sickness?!?! Morning sickness MY ASS! I feel great in the morning besides the normal exhaustion but come 4:00 in the afternoon...I'm toast! Everything is nauseating. It's fabulous! :) It should be hitting me any minute now as we speak. yay.

Momma to be :)