Est. 6.18.10

Friday, May 7, 2010

Well my final semester is finally coming to an end and it is such an awesome feeling to know I am about to Graduate from A&M and be done with the Corps!!!! The past few weeks have been so weird because reality has been hitting me in the face with all the things that I am doing for the last time in the Corps. The Corps has really taken my life over for the past 4 years and it is so weird to think that in 8 days I will be walking across the stage to graduate in my senior boots and then marching final review for my final pass as a cadet in Gator 2!!!! It's really hard to explain the bitter sweet feeling that I am being consumed with lately. I am definately more excited than I have ever probably been before about all the amazing things that are going on in my life right now and coming up in barely a month!!!!!! I do not know how else to say this but Ashley has been such a major support beam for me these past 4 years in the Corps through all the extremely difficult times that have come up and gone. It takes a hell of a woman and some type of crazy LOVE to stick around all four years of the Corps and I cannot thank her enough for that support she has given me.

Well enough of that cause it's making me feel all funny inside thinking about the past 5 years of college life and everything I have faced and overcome. But, lately has been such an amazing time thinking about the wedding and the new direction our lives are taking. I did not realize how excited I would get about the wedding! People always ask me if I am getting cold feet yet and I understand that this is a large change in our lives but I haven't ever felt something so right and known without a doubt that God has me where he wants me and there is just no question about it! I feel like this blog is kind of me just rambeling on but for those of you who have ever had so much going on in your lives that is so exciting and showing how much you have accomplished in a time in your life then you know the feelings I am having right now. I really don't have much else to say but I am so excited for the next several weeks because I am closing an amazing chapter of my life and starting another amazing chapter that I have been working so hard for the past five years!
I love ya'll and cannot wait to see ya'll at the Wedding!

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